Here's the practical help most grandparents wish they had when they were first parents!
Born to Read
Read to Bond
Reading together is one way families can strengthen their ties. Studies show that children who are read to by their parents from an early age develop stronger bonds with them. Reading together is also a powerful strategy for turning reluctant readers into confident bookworms!
This workshop aims to give parents the skills to turn reading into an enjoyable and productive family activity that will promote healthy relationships and improve their child’s literacy.
Scream-free parenting is not just about lowering your voice when speaking to your children. It’s about learning to calm your emotional reactions and to focus on your own behaviour rather than your child’s behaviour.
Parents will explore and discuss the six basic principles to implement in order to become a scream-free parent.
How to Talk to your
Teenagers about Sex
The years between 13 to 18 tend to be challenging and life-defining for your teen. During these years, they will make decisions and choices that are likely to set them on a course for the rest of their lives.
Lots of changes are happening in every area of their lives. It is also a time when there is a growing interest in the opposite sex, resulting in new friendships and attachments. It can be a scary time for both teen and parent. Every parent knows the power of sexuality and the potential for good or bad. But not every parent knows how to tackle such a delicate subject with their teenager. This talk aims to give parents some simple keys to talking to your teenager about sex, sexuality and sexual dangers.
Positive Parenting!
This talk explores the four basic parenting types and highlights which one is the most helpful in becoming a positive parent.
Many parents are feel stressed out, over-anxious and constantly overwhelmed. Come and learn some parenting tips that will help you be more positive in your parenting and enjoy your children.
How to Motivate your
kids to Study Hard
Managing a child’s academic progress is a major source of stress for parents and children alike. How can we motivate our children to study hard without nagging or, worse still, pressuring them to perform beyond their ability?
This seminar aims to give parents strategies and tools for managing study stress as well as positive skills for motivating children to study hard. Emphasis will be given to building good homework habits. Parents can be armed with renewed confidence and enhanced skills for keeping their children motivated to study.
Effective Discipline for
Primary Aged Children
What is the key to gaining compliance and obedience with your child without breaking their spirit and turning home into a shouting match? Is there a way to discipline your child so that home is happy and harmonious?
This talk aims to give parents insight and understanding into the “how to” of discipline, as well as providing possible solutions to general discipline problems. Come along and join in the discussion on effective discipline for primary-aged children.
Raising Resilient
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from the failures of life. Many parents worry about the adverse effect of disappointment and failure on their children, trying to protect them from such events. But healthy children who become successful adults need to be taught how to handle the pitfalls of life and learn the skill of self-confidence and flexibility in the face of challenges.
This talk will present practical ways to develop your child’s resilience and help parents raise confident children even in times of uncertainty.